Sunday, October 26, 2003

holes in my head

As hard as I try, I seem to be a sporadic correspondant at best. This is very disappointing, you know; I've always assumed I was a good writer, and here the evidence says "No, you suck hunny!"

Besides forgetting to write and call my friends and even to update this blog so that said neglected friends can check up on me, I have even forgotten all that I learned last week about html. I can still italicise and write in bold and even underine but for lists and hyperlinks, alas! It is all forgotten. I'll have to reread my notes... now where did I put them......

Other news: The strata that I've been avoiding has decided to fine me $500 for contravention of their bylaws... I have not moved back into the leaky suite because my rent down here is cheaper than my mortgage. My tenants are the buoy that keep my financially afloat... unfortunately said strata doesnt believe in financial hardship anymore. They did, and I had permission, but now they don't, and I don't, though my situation has remained the same.

Today is Sunday and we've had an extra hour of sleep. Too bad I kept waking up: 7:04, 7:39, 8:14, 9:05, 9:17, 9:28, 9:41... at that point I figured I might as well waste my time in an upright position!

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Practicing my new HTML skills

What the hell am I doing?

Here is a bulleted list.

Today I did three things:

  • got up
  • went to work
  • went home

Here is a numbered list.

This is what I had for lunch:

  1. lasagna from the Byng cafeteria
  2. frozen peach juice / slurpee confection, also from the caf
  3. yogurt from home

I could try my hand at a nested list...

Here are some things I did today:

  • got up
    • ignored my alarms (both of them) as long as I could
    • finally dragged myself out of bed, and tried to get out of the room without tripping on the cat
    • fed said cat
    • brushed my teeth, hair, etc
    • ate cereal while chatting with sleepy mom on MSN
  • went to work
    • got in the cold, cold car
    • eventually started it and crawled down the lane while waiting for it to warm up (gutless piece of crap!)
    • kachunk-kachunked a few blocks until the engine decided to wake up properly (something I had not yet done to the full)
    • wound my way down S.W. Marine, in traffic, listening to the worst joke of the day yet aired on FOX 99.3
  • went home
    • Yesterday I was ambushed by a frustrated dad, today I was accosted by his charming wife... she wanted to know how come my hair staid fresh as ever in a french roll after working a whole day with kids!
    • Went online upstairs to print out and read Beginner's Guide to HTML, of which activity you now see the result
    • Spent 30 minutes trying to photocopy in order what the printer decided to mix up
    • Planned the day for tomorrow's teaching
    • Actually left the school premises before dark
    • Stopped at Anderson's Animal Hospital to get refunded on cat food overpayment, and ask for advice on how to end cat sibbling threat of mutual annihilation
    • Parked car
    • Checked mail (bills, what else?)
    • Read Beginner's Guide to HTML on my ever-so-comfy leather armchair
    • Decided to try my hand at it, all in the name of school-related research.

Well, and how does it all look?

(I forgot to try changing the alignment, so here goes!)

Not bad, not bad at all, if I do say so myself.
Now... how do I change fonts and sizes and colours?
Back to the books it is for me!

Sunday, October 05, 2003

cat fight!

The cats will soon kill eachother, if I don't kill them first! For some reason, Coby has decided that his brother is now his mortal enemy. Every time Hobbes comes out of his convalescence room (ie: my room), he sniffs him, then hisses, then yowls, then attacks, while poor Hobbes tries to run for cover. When I intervened yesterday, I had a screaming hissing yowling hair-raising black monster trying to attack me! I could not get near him, and had to chase him into the bathroom with a broom (spray bottle evidently just making him madder without getting him out from under the table).

Well today was even worse, he just went right for Hobbes (skipped the sniffing and hissing and went to step three: screams and claws). Then, as soon as he saw me coming to separate them, he ran under the coffee table and just yaawwwled non stop ~ and I mean a long, unending, piercing scream!!!

But when I got the broom I didn't have to chase, he sculked straight into the bathroom and under the sink (still yaawwwling).

Yeash! What am I going to do with 2 guinea pigs in the bathroom and two large cats that can't stand eachother, all in a one bedroom appartment?

Saturday, October 04, 2003


This is one of the funniest sites I've seen... not much to it, but entertaining none the less, with all the little nothings he makes fun of!


He eats! He swallows!!

Having slept in until 10, I awoke to the raw feeling of having all the skin licked off the back of my hand by an enthusiastic and hungry cat. When I left the room, he ran ahead of me, and when I opened a can of food for his brother, he rushed in and started to eat. Coby was not impressed, and, to forstall a fight, I quickly opened a second can.

It's nice to not have liquified cat food flicked all over me first thing in the morning... I had forgotten!

I hope he'll keep eating on his own now!

Friday, October 03, 2003

I'm a pro!

Four and a half syringes.

Mininal food flicking.

15 minutes.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

school. home. different how?

Well, it's 5:53pm and I am still at school. Worse yet, I feel as though I have accomplished nothing whatsoever. I haven't even planned the day for tomorrow.


What have I done? I kept a student afterschool to make sure he finished his math work (he'd done pretty much nothing all day). Then I met with the other grade 5 teacher to see what we want to order from the cool school catalogue. When she left, I argued with her computer for a half hour or so, but it won: I still can't get it to stop with the pop-ups, and since the VSB uses DeepFreeze, there's a chance all changes I make would be erased on the next boot up anyhow. And then I migrated from that room to this one (the computer room), where I am looking for units on the Human Body.

Eventually I will go downstairs, where a mountain of marking awaits, as well as a blank schedule for the morrow.

Why teaching?