Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Practicing my new HTML skills

What the hell am I doing?

Here is a bulleted list.

Today I did three things:

  • got up
  • went to work
  • went home

Here is a numbered list.

This is what I had for lunch:

  1. lasagna from the Byng cafeteria
  2. frozen peach juice / slurpee confection, also from the caf
  3. yogurt from home

I could try my hand at a nested list...

Here are some things I did today:

  • got up
    • ignored my alarms (both of them) as long as I could
    • finally dragged myself out of bed, and tried to get out of the room without tripping on the cat
    • fed said cat
    • brushed my teeth, hair, etc
    • ate cereal while chatting with sleepy mom on MSN
  • went to work
    • got in the cold, cold car
    • eventually started it and crawled down the lane while waiting for it to warm up (gutless piece of crap!)
    • kachunk-kachunked a few blocks until the engine decided to wake up properly (something I had not yet done to the full)
    • wound my way down S.W. Marine, in traffic, listening to the worst joke of the day yet aired on FOX 99.3
  • went home
    • Yesterday I was ambushed by a frustrated dad, today I was accosted by his charming wife... she wanted to know how come my hair staid fresh as ever in a french roll after working a whole day with kids!
    • Went online upstairs to print out and read Beginner's Guide to HTML, of which activity you now see the result
    • Spent 30 minutes trying to photocopy in order what the printer decided to mix up
    • Planned the day for tomorrow's teaching
    • Actually left the school premises before dark
    • Stopped at Anderson's Animal Hospital to get refunded on cat food overpayment, and ask for advice on how to end cat sibbling threat of mutual annihilation
    • Parked car
    • Checked mail (bills, what else?)
    • Read Beginner's Guide to HTML on my ever-so-comfy leather armchair
    • Decided to try my hand at it, all in the name of school-related research.

Well, and how does it all look?

(I forgot to try changing the alignment, so here goes!)

Not bad, not bad at all, if I do say so myself.
Now... how do I change fonts and sizes and colours?
Back to the books it is for me!


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