Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Does stupidity ever fall far from the Stupid tree?

The following is a series of emails from earlier this afternoon. It is a wonder this woman's daughter does even as well as she does, considering her mother's apparent level of intelligence...

From: Pistâche Lanoix
Sent: January 23, 2007 3:03 PM
To: Division 5 Class Parents
Subject: Div 5 online calendar

Chers parents,

I am trying out an online calendar as a communication tool. It is not intended as a replacement for the student planners, but may be useful to double check incomplete information / omissions. The students and I have discussed its use in class last week; they know that it is their responsibility to write down the details for homework, projects, and paperwork (subway, scholastic, etc) in their planners each day. Whenever possible, I will update the online calendar at the end of each day while the students are updating their paper planners - we are thus all doing the same activity together!

Here is the address: http://30boxes.com/ (actual URL deleted to "maintain relative privacy", aka ass-covering - Ed.)

Clicking on an event will display extra details regarding that particular entry. This relates to what we did in class on that day to be completed at home if unfinished.

You will notice that most entries include a timestamp (ex: 10:35 maths). When it says 15:00 it means this is a homework assignment and not a "to finish" piece.

Unless otherwise specified, work is to be completed for the next day. (Music periods alternate Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu depending on Mr. Lamb's schedule, however students are expected to practice a little bit each day)

Constructive comments are always welcome!


Pistâche Lanoix

French Immersion Teacher

From: Jane McDerby
Sent: Tue 1/23/2007 3:27 PM
Pistâche Lanoix
Subject: Re: [JQ.5] Div 5 online calendar

Hi there,

I am confused by the "time stamp" entry. Could you give an example of what that means and/or whow it is to be used?

thanks, Jane (Kylara's mom)

From:Pistâche Lanoix
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:07 PM
To: Jane McDerby
Subject: RE: [JQ.5] Div 5 online calendar

As I am not sure how the calendar is appearing on your screen (who knows - it might be a cross platform problem!) I am attaching a screen shot of what you should see, with notes. Hope it helps!

Regards, Pistâche

From: Jane McDerby
Sent: Tue 1/23/2007 6:29 PM
Pistâche Lanoix
ect: RE: [JQ.5] Div 5 online calendar

Hi there, Now that I’ve opened it, I see what a time-stamp is. However, I’m puzzled as to why a time stamp for 15:00?


From: Pistâche Lanoix
Sent: January 23, 2007 10:53 PM
Jane McDerby
Subject: Div 5 online calendar

Most entries include a timestamp (ex: 10:35 maths). When you click on a day, the details of what is to be finished at home will appear. When it says 15:00 it just means this is a homework assignment and not a "to finish" piece -- something that the students have not begun working on during class, but a task that was assigned at the end of the day as homework.

The 15:00 time stamp was the only way for me to have the homework assignments show up at the end of the list, rather than at the top (the default seems to be alphabetical order). I could of course enter it as 14:50 but that takes longer to type...

Bonne soirée,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe...I do see how someone could be like that. You'll be amazed of how many people (in a develop country) have no idea of such basic things, like a planner, a website, email, etc.

I guess this is a test to refine your long-suffering :D

Wednesday, January 24, 2007 5:21:00 a.m.  

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