Monday, August 22, 2005


This is what happens when your Mom plays World of Warcraft too. Pay attention to post #5 and on.

A few highlights:

"Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..
But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


"Are you going to take that from her, Brion? Mom nothing, she's only two levels up on you."

"omg thats the coolest thing that can happen on the internet. THE INTERNET AT ITS FINEST. WOW is an excellent game too... GO PWNING MOTHER!!!!! :) :) :) :)"

"That was an owning of epic proportion! Bwahahahaha!
Next time I see Brion, even if he's flagged, I'm not gonna go after him. It's just gonna be:
/cast Grounding Totem

"I'd hate to be this kid once school starts up again."

"I think it's damn funny that the mom knows pwns/pwned and can use it in a sentence (it's on forum page 25 about three post down). He can never go to school again without getting teased out the door. Priceless."

"Yeah, you won't be seeing Brion at Alterac Valley tonight...
I'm going to make him watch a movie with me instead. I'm thinking a real chick flick - Steel Magnolias or Moulin Rouge. :)"

Monday, August 15, 2005

Does this mean drag queens are schizophrenic?

High heels can drive you crazy!

The well-heeled might have cause for alarm. A scientist in Sweden says wearing high heels can lead to mental disorders, and has drawn alarming parallels between stilettos and schizophrenia among women.

Jarl Flensmark says high heels cause their wearers to tense their calves in a way that normal walking never does. That could prevent neuro-receptors in the calf muscles from triggering release of dopamine, a compound necessary for mental well-being.

... one blogger response to this site was "The only people heels make crazy are men."

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Lazy Hazy Crazy

Well the weather has been unprecedented in its warmth and brightness. Too bad I seem to spend most if it indoors...

The last two weeks were the longest of my teaching career. I worked in an ESL school downtown, with a class of 12 tweens from various parts of the world ~ in theory, that is. In reality, I had one student from Saudi Arabia (Rahaf, a charming girl), one from Japan (Mayumi), and ten from Korea who made absolutely ZERO effort to speak in English. During class they sat in their chairs, as animated as lint on a sock, totally silent despite my open-ended questions, encouragement, humour and cajoling. The only time any of them woke up was to tell a classmate something funny in Korean. Although I repeatedly admonished "ENGLISH ONLY!" the response I invariably got was a meek "Yes, teacher", whereupon they turned and continued their conversation in Korean.

Before working there, I maintained firmly that teaching ESL is the same, in principle, as teaching French Immersion. It's all a matter of Second Language Aquisition, and the teaching skills involved are one and the same. Having survived two weeks in that situation, I still say the principles are the same. What is different is that my French Immersion students HAVE PERSONALITY!

Other than that, I have been attempting (pithy, I know) to clean my appartment. Call it the Spring Cleaning that never gets done in the Spring! I am hoping, planning, counting on, being able to go spend a few days in Winfield (just outside of Kelowna) with my uncle and aunt, who are both retired and now live an idyllic life on lakefront property. Sticking to my intended departure date depends on three things: (1) does my friend want to carpool with me? (2) will my appartment be clean enough for me to ask a neighbor to come and feed the animals? and (3) will the car actually make it that far?

The veedub has been running fairly well, all things considered (warning: car talk to follow!). Since my last update, it's spun out only once more (in the rain, and I swear, it's because of the tires!), overheated once or twice (I think the antifreeze is too diluted), and lost its starter.



The motor mounts never being in optimum condition all three at the same time, I lost a starter bolt somewhere on Burrard and Dunsmuir. Three days later, I drove out to Langley with my brother, who loves to drive the living snot out of my car whenever he gets behind the wheel, bless his heart! That was enough to make the other main starter bolt loosen, whereupon the starter, holding on by a mere short bolt, decided to grind and get stuck. We had to replace the loose bolt (nutless) back inside, and secure it with a pair of vicegrips for the drive home. I must say, though, my brother was quite prompt in getting new bolts and securing the starter back where it belongs.

So, can I make it to the Okanagan? We shall soon find out... provided "Molly" manages to get the rest of this joint cleaned up by the weekend!