Friday, May 07, 2004


Where did all my comments go? I am alone??!! NOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo......


I actually can't remember why I came here. I know I haven't made a post in a while, but not as long a while as the last interval. The problem is twofold: (1) I tend to forget to come and make updates. (2) Once I log on, I forget what it was I wanted to tell you!

Oh well, so I will ramble on for a bit... can't hurt, really... I mean, who actually reads this? Given the topics lately (chocolate maggots, cat puke, dinosaur pee) I can understand why my few readers may decide to follow other paths in their online wanderings.

I am a Gmail user. Cool.

Last month I bought a new carpet for my living room. I threw the futon mattress over the balcony. I made sheer curtains that match the rug (falling leaves pattern). The place looked lovely. Looked? Yes, looked. My adoring feline fans managed to make a run in the curtains, and puke in the middle of the new carpet. Great. Just great. You wonder why I talk of nothing but hair balls and cat messes? Hard not to, when they keep leaving new surprises for me!!

Today I left school at 7 pm... and it's not even report card time! After the bell rang, I made a few phone calls (did I mention I have to find new tenants for my condo in Sry? yeesh but I hate making decisions like that!), and was puttering around when Joanne, the other grade 5 teacher, came to say hello. Since she had received the postings early, we pored eagerly over them with two other teachers, until they all realised that being at school at 5:40 on a Friday afternoon is really rather pathetic. For my part, the notion took a little longer to sink in! I moseyed on up to the computer room to find Richard, who had said he'd come to help me mark the science research projects the kids handed in on Monday (see dino pee entry), but never showed up. Turns out he spent most of afterschool helping all the frantic grade seven students with their Virtual Science Fair projects, until he'd had to leave at 5:00 so as to not miss his daughter's school play. I found two students left in the computer room, frustrated and panicking, with a website that refused to work. And so I ended up helping them correct the glitches, to their delight and glee, before finally heading out around 7:00 or so.

Walked in the door of my appartment only to remember that I was supposed to go buy cat food at Costco. So now I am off to buy a few cans at Safeway, which closes at midnight.

Damn holes in my head.....