Friday, May 26, 2006

"Have a great day!" - No thanks, I have other plans...

Here is my "great day":

- arrive later than planned, scramble to write math quiz before the bell

- during kids PE period, get little done on camp paperwork due to frequent interruptions and memory lapses ("What was I doing again?")

- spend half of recess trying to finish SOME of the camp stuff - it's goodies day... but by the time I get my apple sauce, cake and ice cream (we LOVE the teacher-librarian!) the bell rings and I have to get back to class

- reading eval doesn't go quite as planned because a colleague has taken the kit to use it at the same time that I'd planned. Ice cream is melting as I try to multitask teaching and evaluating.

- lunch: more camp stuff waiting for me. The other teacher is as frazzled as I am, but offers to pick me up a sandwich while she gets one for herself. Yay! I'll do her photocopies in exchange.

- lunch is over, I have not eaten the sandwich yet. Copies have yet to be made. Back in class, kids are silent reading (or finishing evaluations) while I put the change from the sandwich purchase back in my purse and get organized for the afternoon.

- 2:00 pm Assembly in the gym . Sandwich-fetching colleague offers to watch my kids while I get the camp letters photocopied and stapled for later release.

- 2:50 pm Assembly's over, back to class we go. The doors are open, though we'd closed them on our way up.

- 2:53 pm A student hands me my purse, telling me a classmate's younger brother found it on the floor in the boys' washroom. My cell phone, cash, and credit cards are all gone.

- 3 pm until now: Call all the credit card companies, cell phone service provider, police, etc. Find out that in less than 20 minutes several (5-10?) charges were made on each of the credit cards for online gambling.... amounts in the $700 per charge, apparently (which the credit card companies will not hold me responsible for, however)

Now I have to go back downstairs to get the 20 lb pile of marking that's been waiting for me for far too long. Geee, great weekend....

Tomorrow I'm going to dinner and the Symphony. Of course, I don't know how I'll pay for it, since my cards have all been stolen / cancelled...

Is today officially over yet?


Blogger Michael said...

that sounds horrible, hopefully you will have a really good day to offset it.

Saturday, May 27, 2006 10:23:00 p.m.  
Blogger Geneviève said...

Hey thanks guys! I didn't know I had readers out there!


Thanks for making yourselves known :)

Sunday, May 28, 2006 1:22:00 a.m.  

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