Tuesday, October 12, 2004

inexorably, life goes on...

I am running out of onomatopoeias with which to begin my posts.

Since I was last here, mom returned from France, school began again, and the Volvo did not die.

I have ignored you for almost two months now, although I have not forgotten you. But wish as one might to keep in touch, one still has to have something to say.

I have a friend who has graciously linked to this diary in her own blog, describing it as the recorded adventures of a school teacher. Now this is certainly not untrue... yet it forced me to admit that students, teachers, grading projects, marking tests, writing report cards, and dealing with sensitive parents do seem to make up a goodly portion of my daily thoughts and conversation. It seems that, try as I might, I am not able to consider it a job, like any other. I do not tell people that I work in a school. No, I am a teacher. Like it or not, it is a career.

Nevertheless, I don't want this to be restricted to the classroom. Everyone has been through it (well, except for Michael), and most people I know don't really want to go back! The problem is, I am not sure what you want to know!

Shall I talk about my cars? Yes, you did indeed read that correctly, I said cars.

Three weeks ago my brother found a 1986 VW Golf GTI for sale. He offered to fix it up for me so I can get rid of (ie: blow up) my Volvo. The only glitch in the whole plan is that he works full time, and has to repair his Samurai by the 15th (yes I know that's in three days) because that's when his bike insurance runs out.

I remind myself everyday to reign in my hunger for exploding Volvos, vowing that I will not phone and nag him to hurry up with the very big favour he's offered to do. After all, the Volvo - albeit brown, slow, and very very ugly - still runs, and still has a working heater.

The GTI needs a lot of work, but most of it is cosmetic. That is, except for the brake pads, drums and disks, the e-brake, the clutch cable, the front shocks and the fact that it mysteriously overheats... However, I shall not give up!

Well then, if not of school nor cars, of what shall I sing?

Sing... That reminds me...

Today we had a Vancouver Opera troupe come to perform Hansel and Gretel for the students. It turns out that I have a friend who knows Gretel, and so I invited him to come join us for the performance. My students were very impressed with the mere three degrees of separation between them and the lead singer! I heard excited whispers "Look! She waved at him, and he waved back with his cell phone, and she nodded!! They are going to phone each other later!!!"

Between the beautiful performance, lunch out with a good friend, and the 'unseasonably warm weather', it was really rather a lovely day!


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