Tuesday, July 20, 2004

France update!

Here are three photos of the yard in Cenon... Dealing with so many weeds, no wonder mom's back is out!! 

The photo above was taken from near the chery trees, looking toward the street... which we can't see because of all the weeds! This is what the rest of the yard looked like before she tackled it earlier this week... overgrown right to the very doorstep!

This one was taken from the door step (the back patio door). That pile of hay near the front is was all taken from the little square in between the house and the trees ONLY. She took out all the iris from around the trees, because they were all tangled with weeds. They will be replanted after she defines the flower beds with borders, to keep the flowers in and the grass and weeds out!
Somewhere back there is the transplanted pink laurel. Can you spot it? It was transplanted last year from its very tight terra cotta pot (with the roots growing out of the water hole in the bottom) to its new home by the back fence. It flowered a little late this year, but seems happy where it is now.

This third photo was also taken from close to the house, but toward the right of the back yard. As you can see, four hours of mowing makes a big difference! Stay tuned for more photos, which she has promised to send when the rest of the yard has been cleared!


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