Sunday, February 01, 2004

what is the (animal) world coming to?


I am not a good correspondant...

But I'll make up for it with animal crackers!

cracker #1: my cat has better aim than most men!
My cats got rather angry at me for having forgotten to go get more litter for their bin. One cat decided to piss on the bathroom floor to make his point. The other cat, not to be out done, left little poopies inside an empty food can on the floor! I was amazed at his aim, but assumed it to be a fluke. Well, the next morning there could be no doubt: I found another filled can - this time with pee in it!!! I'd like to see a guy aim that well, and not slop over the side!

cracker #2: mom lives in a love shack and drives a shaggin wagon!
For some reason, all the pets that ever lived at the family home have had unusually affectionate relationships. We used to have a dog, Charlie, and three cats, Todd (male), Taffy and Cloe (females). As the girls had no use for poor little Todd (who grew to a whopping 23 lbs), he decidede that Charlie would be his mommie - and suckled on him for 6 weeks while the poor dog didn't know what to do about it! Later, we had another laugh as Taffy went into heat and decided that Charlie was a more worthy suitor to woo than anyone else in the house (all neutered, anyhow), so she made continual sexy moves and advances on him! Poor dog must have been wondering whether he was still in fact a dog! These pets have all passed on, but now mom has two other female cats (Fluffcore and Isabelle), and a male bunny. Strangely enough, the cats were quite wary of the rabbit, since he was the fearless sort who often ended up chasing them around the house! It has been quite awhile now since they've all become friends (especially Isa and the rabbit - Fluffcore is a loner). Now I hear that the rabbit has gone and fallen in love! To mom's horror, he decided to try and start a family with Isa!!

Whatever pheromones are in that house do not seem to have invaded my appartment: the cats are still fighting as bitterly as ever down here!


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