Monday, February 02, 2004

hot chocolate maggots

I ran out of cream for my morning coffee. So I thought I'd try adding hot chocolate powder to it, like a mocha. It worked rather well, and tasted great. The thing is, my hot chocolate powder (which I never really use: too sweet) has mini marshmallows in it. Now this souds great, and really, what could be better? They taste like marshmallows should too! But I left my coffee/chocomocha on the counter to cool as I did my makeup, and when I drank it just now, I realised that the minimallows had almost completely melted. They looked like little maggots in the bottom of the mug.

Sweet sweeeeet maggots.

What a way to start the morning!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm they probably were maggots. Hot chocolate is one of those things that seems to get them quite quickly. Telling you this from personal experience... Look closely at your hot chocolate if you can ever bring yourself to have any again. :(

Saturday, October 18, 2014 12:40:00 p.m.  

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