Monday, February 23, 2004

The Big 5 Personality Test

Irritated by a young friend of mine, I started comparing notes with my mom. The discussion turned to the question of Narcissism. In doing some research, I my attention was arrested by the statement "If you're reading this because of problems with someone you know now, the chances are excellent that one or both of your parents was a narcissist. Narcissists are so much trouble that only people with special prior training (i.e., who were raised by narcissists) get seriously involved with them. "

Something about that sentence slowly wended it's way into my consciousness.

Seriously involved? One parent a narcissist??

Then it hit me: most of the traits pointed to my ex, and to my dad! This let me to search for more information on personalities. I then stumbled on this site, and here are my results.

I'm a O76-C58-E48-A32-N43 Big Five!!

Now I am going to bed!


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