Sunday, November 09, 2003

tooo much foooood

I think I will not eat for a few days... Lillian (grade one teacher and friend) called me at 8:30 am this morning (ON A SUNDAY!)... but since it was to invite me for dimsum, naturally I forgave her immediately! One of her many sisters came down to Vancouver for the weekend, and they were going for food food food before her return to Kelowna later today. So we met at the Golden Phoenix on Broadway and Nanaimo, and ate for oh, two hours or so! Now, that area is not my favourite place to be, even at 11am on a sunny Sunday afternoon: some ugly dude in a car called out to me as I was walking to the restaurant... ugh!

As if that was not enough to burst an intestine (the food, not the ugly dude), later today (6:30ish) Megan (cute friend of mine who moved down from Pit Medows a few months ago) decided that she wanted to go for Chinese food. As she suggested a light soup, I figured, hey, why not? Well now I know: the Taiwan Beef Noodle House on Grandville street has every kind of noodle soup known to the taiwanese, and it turns out that sharing an enormous bowl of beef brisket and noodle soup simply becomes two enormous bowls! It's almost the miracle of the seven fishes!

And so now I sit typing this, fervently hoping that the yoga ball won't burst!


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