my bank account needs an iv
Hobbes came back home today. He is eating a little on his own now, said Dr. Anderson, but I may still have to force feed him if he eats less than a can a day. I also have to give him two pills, one twice a day, the other in the mornings only. I hope that he will soon be on the mend, because the keeping him healthy will soon make my bank account deathly ill! Still, it's nice to have confidence in one's vet. How do I know I can have faith in this one? Well, for starters, in wanting to encourage Hobbes to eat on his own, he shared is salmon lunch with him! That, to me, means he cares for the pets that people bring in.
Still, this weekend of pet healthcare so far has cost me almost twice what I paid for the poop coloured Volvo. But I like the cat better: it, at least, purrs properly!
I now have no choice but to clean my room: Hobbes needs to be in a stress-free environment, especially at meal times and when I am not home. The way things stand, my room would definitely not qualify... the constant risk of burial in an avalanche of clothes would not be restful for the most docile of cats!
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