Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Diggin my way deeper into China

Well, I took Hobbes to the vet's this afternoon. For the past few days, he's been slow at eating his food, and I've had to chase Coby away from his bowl. Two days ago, he really had to be coaxed into finishing his serving, and since yesterday he's refused to eat at all.

The vet said he's lost almost half his weight (8.56kg down to 4.67kg) since June, when he had a digestion/urinary tract problem that has since required a special brand of cat food. He is concerned about possible liver disease, easily treatable in cats, but evident by such symptoms as jaundice, dehydration, weight loss, and lethargy. Usually comes on when cat's have not eaten in a few days. So I have a very sick kitty who is spending the night in the vet hospital, on IV, and I hope he'll be better after one night only, or my bank account will be on it's deathbed... estimated cost for diagnostic exams, tests, nursing and hospital stay: $600-$700!!! And if he needs a longer stay, I can add about $65/day!

So I guess I've got time to become fond of the poop coloured Volvo... looks like I'll be driving it awhile longer yet.


Where is my sugar daddy?


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